Thursday 5 November 2015

The Beginning of the End

For those of you who have journeyed with me over these past few months, you'll know that my Genius Hour project has been looking into outdoor recreation and the impact it can have on wellbeing. Throughout this term, I have really allowed myself to be challenged to use various technology resources that can enhance both engagement and learning in classroom lessons as well as assignments. By integrating these resources into my Genius Hour project, I have really stretched my own learning and understanding. Yes, some of these task have taken more time than I would have expected, however I  have found that I have grown both as a student as well as an educator. 

The use of technology in the classroom may not be a strength of mine, but I am learning the value it can add to the environment of my learners. Some may need more visual (digital) components to hold their attention and engagement. Some my find it a more relevant way of learning, rather than just from a handout or textbook. Just like technology is always evolving, so is the education system, the student, and the teacher. This digital technology course and this Genius Hour assignment have really pushed me out of my comfort zone and have helped me recognize that good things can come from challenging or unknown tasks. 

In the next week or so, I will be revealing my final product of this Genius Hour project. Check back soon!

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