Wednesday 7 October 2015

And so it continues!

This has certainly been an interesting week of research and discovery! As I have been sifting through copious amounts of information about outdoor recreational activities and sports, I am quickly realizing there is much more to be learned than I would have initially thought. I don't want to give away all my findings yet, but I will give you one shocking fact that I found.

Around the world, there are THOUSANDS of different outdoor sports and recreational activities that are enjoyed world-wide! Who would have thought!?

Kerns, L. (2014, June 15). Hike [Online Image], no changes made. Retrieved from

As I continue through this Genius Hour project as well as this Teaching & Learning with Technology course, I am reminded that I am far from having all the answers. Even when I think I have a general grasp on a topic - outdoor recreation and sports, for example - I am reminded that I still have so much to learn.

Since I have had this realization, I need to figure out where to take my research from here. If I were to go in depth into every possible outdoor activity, this project would take a lifetime to complete. What I am going to do is to focus more on testimonials of myself and others (through blogs and possible published studies) to learn the impact that outdoor recreation has had on overall wellbeing. This will require some exploring of other peoples' experiences as well as some deep personal reflection into my own experiences. As you journey with me through this project, feel free to share some of your experiences or opinions with me!

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