Thursday 5 November 2015

The Beginning of the End

For those of you who have journeyed with me over these past few months, you'll know that my Genius Hour project has been looking into outdoor recreation and the impact it can have on wellbeing. Throughout this term, I have really allowed myself to be challenged to use various technology resources that can enhance both engagement and learning in classroom lessons as well as assignments. By integrating these resources into my Genius Hour project, I have really stretched my own learning and understanding. Yes, some of these task have taken more time than I would have expected, however I  have found that I have grown both as a student as well as an educator. 

The use of technology in the classroom may not be a strength of mine, but I am learning the value it can add to the environment of my learners. Some may need more visual (digital) components to hold their attention and engagement. Some my find it a more relevant way of learning, rather than just from a handout or textbook. Just like technology is always evolving, so is the education system, the student, and the teacher. This digital technology course and this Genius Hour assignment have really pushed me out of my comfort zone and have helped me recognize that good things can come from challenging or unknown tasks. 

In the next week or so, I will be revealing my final product of this Genius Hour project. Check back soon!

Thursday 29 October 2015

Collaborative Lesson Plan

Collaborative lesson planning can open open up so many possibilities! Here is a lesson that includes three digital learning objects; Google Forms, Powtoon, and Plickers. Special thanks to Claire, Danni, and Kathleen for working on this with me. Feel free to check it out:

Thursday 22 October 2015

Making Some Serious Progress

IMPORTANT - I would be lying to you, if I said that I am almost finished my research for my Genius Hour project. I have done some research, but I am not finished yet.

Well, now that I got that out of the way, I will say that I have made some serious headway within my realm of digital knowledge and skills. Over the past few weeks, this has been evident in my reflective blog posts as well as the posts that actually show the product of my learning. Something important that I have been learning is that since there are so many digital tools and resources available, you've got to take it one step at a time. At times I feel like I am being flooded with resources, articles, and trial accounts that I quickly become overwhelmed. This then results in shutting down and not retaining any information. However, when I space out the resources I've been given I am able to really appreciate and understand the benefits of the digital tool, how to use them, and visualize ways in which it would benefit my students. 

A challenge that I am facing with incorporating digital tools, such as apps, digital student profiles and digital assignments into the classroom is that not all classrooms have regular access to iPads, computers and SmartBoards. With some of these resources I think they are most effective when they are used consistently. I am still in the process of finding a way around this...when I do, you all will be the first to know!

My hope coming out of this Genius Hour assignment as well as the Teachers College program itself would be that I hang on to some of the resources and tools I've been learning about. In this program there is so much to learn, and for myself I think most of this learning will take root once I get to use it in the classroom. I'm going to start small, likely by using Plickers which are simple yet super efficient! They are a great tool for assessing student learning after a lesson, can be used as an exit card, and can even be extended into collecting results for graphing and patterning.

This learning will certainly continue, but until next time...

Saturday 10 October 2015

Now I'm Vlogging!!!

So bear with me, as this is my first ever vlog! This is just a quick update for where I am at with my Genius Hour project.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

And so it continues!

This has certainly been an interesting week of research and discovery! As I have been sifting through copious amounts of information about outdoor recreational activities and sports, I am quickly realizing there is much more to be learned than I would have initially thought. I don't want to give away all my findings yet, but I will give you one shocking fact that I found.

Around the world, there are THOUSANDS of different outdoor sports and recreational activities that are enjoyed world-wide! Who would have thought!?

Kerns, L. (2014, June 15). Hike [Online Image], no changes made. Retrieved from

As I continue through this Genius Hour project as well as this Teaching & Learning with Technology course, I am reminded that I am far from having all the answers. Even when I think I have a general grasp on a topic - outdoor recreation and sports, for example - I am reminded that I still have so much to learn.

Since I have had this realization, I need to figure out where to take my research from here. If I were to go in depth into every possible outdoor activity, this project would take a lifetime to complete. What I am going to do is to focus more on testimonials of myself and others (through blogs and possible published studies) to learn the impact that outdoor recreation has had on overall wellbeing. This will require some exploring of other peoples' experiences as well as some deep personal reflection into my own experiences. As you journey with me through this project, feel free to share some of your experiences or opinions with me!

Thursday 24 September 2015

Genius Hour Update!

A lot of exciting progress has been made in my Genius Hour project! I have started to make some headway in my research. I am starting to collect what I like to call 'surface level' research - or the basic/starter information of the topic. The first of the information I have been gathering includes definitions of outdoor recreation as well as different recreational activities. From there I hope to find blogs and websites of outdoor recreation enthusiasts to learn about the activities they love and discover where they get their inspiration. 

In addition to reading about outdoor recreation and finding online resources, I am also starting to dabble in other ways of collecting information. The first strategy I am using is surveying. I have created a survey through Survey Monkey to ask people (like you!) about their opinions and involvement in outdoor activities. So, here's my shameless plug - if you'd like to complete my survey, click here! From there, I hope to start collecting various opinions around outdoor recreation. Hopefully I will learn about different activities that you enjoy and see what has inspired others who, like me, enjoy being outdoors. Thanks for your support and I look forward to providing another update soon!

Saturday 19 September 2015

So here's where I'm at...

By the looks of things, my Genius Hour project and blog are coming along nicely. What's interesting to me, is that at this point I seem to be overcoming more challenges and learning curves with the digital side of this project rather than the content itself. I find this to be really exciting since I braced myself to learn about the benefits of outdoor recreation, which I will, but seem to be learning even more about how to creatively incorporate digital effects.

As I move forward with this Genius Hour project, I am excited to for my learning to be a blend of research findings as well as how to digitally enhance an assignment. The techniques I learn here will certainly benefit me and I go into the classroom. Today's students have been born into a digit age, so being able to use digital tools to enhance my teaching will certainly be an asset. 

Thursday 10 September 2015

Outdoor Activities & Overall Health

Van Hemert, M. (2015). Long Lake.

Genius Hour

As I'm beginning to learn more and more about Genius Hour, I find my mind to be spinning. I'm facing questions such as; What makes a good Genius Hour question? Is there a topic that I am interested in extensively learning about? Can I choose something that is relevant to my life? Will I be able to pick a topic that others would find to be interesting? Well, I think I have found that kind of topic. After running it by a handful of my teacher candidate colleagues, I'm ready to get this 'show on the road!'.

The question I have designed for my Genius Hour project is: 

How does regular participation in outdoor activities improve our overall health and well-being? 

AORE National Office. (2015, August 26).
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education [Video].
Retrieved from

Throughout this project, I hope to learn about the extent of impact that outdoor activities and recreation can have on enhancing daily living. I also hope to learn about the impact that simply being in nature can have in every aspect of life. This can include physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As I learn more about this topic, I hope that this will continue to encourage my participation in outdoor activities. Currently, some of my favourite outdoor activities include; running, swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and hiking. Who knows, maybe I will learn about more outdoor activities throughout out my research in this project. 

I'm not 100% sure about what my next step will be, however there are a few things that I will need to begin focusing on. I think I'd like to start figuring out what the most common and popular outdoor activities are, as well as what people like about them. Something else I'd like to investigate would be what the scientific benefits of the various activities are. I would also like to find testimonials of people who participate in outdoor activities, to see what they like and how they feel.

Van Hemert, M. (2015). Paddle boarding.

Genius Hour

When it comes to teaching and learning in a digital age, an important factor to understand and employ would be copyrights. In Canada, fair dealing is used which essentially covers personal use, study, criticism, etc., of various resources as well as resources used within the classroom. One of the more common copyright licenses would be the Creative Common, or CC, license. This can be found on resources such as youtube videos. For more on copyright, check out the Canadian Teacher’s Federation document titled Copyright Matters!.

Ribeiro, L. (2008, June 30).
Children at school [Online Image].
Retrieved from 
As far as practices within the classroom goes, teachers have a significant amount of freedom. Many times, lessons and class readings or assignments are inspired by, or found directly from resources on the Internet. In the classroom, single copies of documents can be included in handouts and presentations for educational purposes. Online resources can also be shared with the class for educational purposes as long as protective passwords are included. It is important to note that any resources, performances or medias must be used within educational premises and not be included for personal gain or profit. Again, more information on this can be found in the Copyright Matters! link above.

Plougmann, L. (3011, January, 20).
At the computer [Online Image].
Retrieved from 
I believe it is important to teach our students about copyright since it is a relevant legal matter. An easy way of teaching this to students would be to include it as an example in character literacy and education. Depending on the grade level, examples could be used of borrowing a photo that your friend took and not stating that it came from them. Not only is this not your photo, but your friend isn’t getting recognized for their photo! This is a more personal example that students my find easier to relate to. This touches on the concepts of fairness and honesty.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Getting Started

Welcome to The Art of Learning blog!

As I start up this blog, I want to begin by saying that I don't know the direction that this blog will be taking. Similar to most of my artistic endeavors, my thoughts and intentions in the beginning of my projects almost always turn out completely different...and that's what this blog will be doing! The ideas, topics and projects that I discuss in this blog will vary and my hope is that it will evolve over time.

I believe that you and I are constantly growing and that growth is something that will always remain true, especially when it comes to learning and education. This blog will also start out by being connecting with a course that I am taking in Teacher's College, so I'd like to connect us with HANDY4CLASS. Thanks for stopping in and I hope you connect with me again soon!